Are you unsure whether you should pursue a part-time job or an 实习? 有哪些不同之处? 你应该如何安排你在波士顿州立大学的时间?
One of the most important parts of any interview happens in the first few moments when you’re instructed to “tell me about yourself.” Whether in the initial or in the final round of interviews with the …
LinkedIn是一个与他人建立虚拟网络的有效工具. 让雇主、招聘人员和其他人找到你. Create a profile that stands out and will entice professionals to contact you once they view your profile. 使用这个清单…
去面试的最佳着装是什么? The answer will vary depending on the type of job and company you’re interviewing with. You always want to dress to make the best impression, but the outfit you choose …
A professional reference is a recommendation from a person who can vouch for your qualifications for a job. 一般, you will be asked for 3-5 references by HR or the hiring manager after you have gone through the interview process. …
Any student involved in BSU’s athletics programs knows the time and dedication required to participate and balance academics and other on-and off-campus involvement. 不要低估你的参与,正如它所表明的那样 团队合作,沟通能力, 和一个 对目标的承诺.
Recruiters often see the same action words on a resume – led, responsible for, managed. 坦率地说, they have lost their meaning when it comes to properly communicating your accomplishments. 所以,让我们用一些动作动词来提升你的简历吧……
新生们好! 我们是来支持你的! Check out these five quick steps to jump-start your career at BSU and beyond.
当你完成你的学位课程, you may be looking for ways to build leadership potential as you gain experience in your field. Leadership development and rotational programs provide you with in-depth experiences, 持续的指导, 有针对性的培训…
How you look and present yourself shows your confidence and seriousness towards prospective employers. Therefore, your attire plays a key role in the first impression you make.
对于大多数找第一份工作的人来说, a high-paying entry-level role is exactly what they’re looking for. But not everyone knows what makes an entry-level role high-paying, 去哪里找呢?, 或者如何着陆!
One of the best ways to figure out if a job is right for you is to try it out. 很多人都是通过 实习但并不是每个人都能做到. 这就是牧草的用武之地. 我们的…